Self-Sabotage Solution

You’ve felt it, haven’t you? That gnawing frustration when you know you’re capable of so much more, but something—something deep within—keeps holding you back. You’ve been caught in the cycle of self-sabotage, trapped in a place worse than mediocrity: stagnation.It’s time to break free...

What Is The Self-Sabotage Solution?

This is a mission to create Liberated Leaders.Often, the only person that is holding you back from your next level of potential is... well, you.The Self-Sabotage Solution is an 18-day transformation challenge designed to push you past the barriers your own mind has erected.Over the course of this challenge, you’ll receive daily insights and challenges delivered straight to your inbox. These are not your run-of-the-mill tasks; they’re crafted to rewire help your brain, recalibrate your nervous system, and shift your perception of what’s possible.

Why 18 Days?

Because change doesn’t happen overnight. And 18 days isn't long, anyway. The moment you say "yes" to yourself, you've already begun. But it will takes persistence, strategy, and the right kind of pressure to generate the relief you're after.In 18 days, you’ll do more than scratch the surface—you’ll dig deep, uproot the insidious forces that keep the self-sabotage cycle in tact, and plant the seeds of success that will grow long after the challenge ends.

What to Expect:

Daily Challenges:Each day, you’ll receive an email with a specific challenge that targets a different aspect of self-sabotage. These tasks are designed to develop courage and put you in a state of expansion.Strategic Action:No fluff, no filler—just actionable steps to dismantle the patterns that have kept you stuck.Mental and Emotional Recalibration:We’ll work on rewiring your brain and nervous system through some counterintuitive methods so that you no longer see change as dangerous, but as the natural and necessary step toward your success.
(If you don't think this applies to you, you might be surprised!)

Who Is This For?

This is for the doers, the dreamers, and the driven...
but those who have been dismayed by doubts and distractions.
If you’re tired of your own excuses, done with playing small, and willing to discover and unlock the deepest parts of yourself that keep pulling you back, then this is for you.But let’s be clear—it isn’t for the faint of heart. This is for those who are ready to commit, not those looking for a quick fix or an easy out. It's a real challenge. And it's only between You and You... you'll just have some powerful guidance along the way.

What’s the Cost?

The real cost?
Well... it will be your OLD self - the one that keeps pulling you back into old patterns that, though they could be leading to deeper disappointment, somehow feel like home. That person can be no more. If you're wanting to preserve that person, stop right here.
As for the investment of money and time, it's just $54 and maybe 30 - 45 solid minutes each day focusing on you.It's a small deposit for a journey that could completely change your trajectory.And here’s the thing, If you fully participate and don’t experience some major shifts, you can have your money back.
No questions, no hassle.
I can't give you your time back, so make the most of that. Otherwise, there's no risk.You ready?Let's go👇🏾